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#oriental #orientalmusic #cafedeanatolia #ethnoworld #billyesteban #saidmrad #amrdiab #chebmami
➤ All INFO about Cafe De Anatolia: https://solo.to/cafedeanatolia
➤ What is Oriental Music? #OrientalMusic #Oriental #CafeDeAnatolia #billyesteban #saidmrad
➤ Oriental Music, in general terms, the word meaning oriental to the eastern countries and regions is called oriental. This name, which is mostly known as traditional middle east dance music, is still popular today. Most traditional and classical Arabic music, whether composed or improvised, follows set forms called qawalib in Arabic (singular qalab, literally a mold or a shaped container).
➤ This mix includes tracks from the very best DJ SAID MRAD, Billy Esteban and got influences from the finest Amr Diab, Cheb Mami and other Oriental Music including the record label – Cafe De Anatolia. Enjoy 🙂
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☛ Camel: https://lnk.to/Camela
☛ Desert Rose: https://lnk.to/DRose
☛ Chillout Lounge: https://lnk.to/clounge
☛ Orient Express: https://lnk.to/Orient
☛ Buddha Relax: https://lnk.to/BuddhaR
☛ Rialians On Earth: https://lnk.to/rialians
☛ Billy Esteban: https://lnk.to/BillyYTM
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🎧 Oriental Deep House: https://lnk.to/OrDeep
🎧 Cuba Cafe: https://lnk.to/cubacafe
🎧 Cafe De Anatolia CHILLOUT: https://lnk.to/ChillSPOT
🎧 Cafe De Anatolia LOUNGE: https://lnk.to/LoungeS
🎧 Desert House – https://lnk.to/DHouse
🐪 Follow our Apple Music Playlists: ⤵
🎧 Most Beautiful Songs: https://lnk.to/dRxWuH6R
🎧 Best Ethnic Deep House: https://lnk.to/ethnoa
🎧 Cuba Cafe: https://lnk.to/cubacafa
🎧 Oriental Deep House: https://lnk.to/OrDeepA
🎧 Cafe De Anatolia CHILLOUT: https://lnk.to/ChillApple
🎧 Cafe De Anatolia LOUNGE: https://lnk.to/LoungeA
➤ Follow Cafe De Anatolia:
☛ Official Page: https://cafe-de-anatolia.com/
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☛ Apple Music:
➤ Follow Our Residents on Spotify:
☛ Cafe De Anatolia: https://lnk.to/CDASPO
☛ Billy Esteban: https://lnk.to/BillySPO
☛ Rialians On Earth: https://lnk.to/RIASPO
💃 Thank you for listening, we hope you will have a good time here.
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Photo ©
All of the photos are bought from ShutterStock with a Standard License and some of them with Enhanced License. The Copyrights for the Cover Photo, Video & the Music belong to the Artists involved in this Project.
If you have any problem with the photo, video or music, please contact us on our email before striking: contact@cafe-de-anatolia.com & and we will find a common solution.
#CafeDeAnatolia #EthnoWorld #BestEthnicDeepHouse #EthnoHouse #EthnicMusic #CafeDeAnatoliaETHNO #CafeDeAnatoliaMusic #AnatoliaCafe #CafeAnatolia
© Cafe De Anatolia ETHNO WORLD